About HBV
HBV is the purchasing function of Public Housing Sweden (Sw: Sveriges allmännyttiga bostadsbolag). We carry out coordinated procurements of goods and services related to construction, renovation and maintenance of properties. Through some 200 framework agreements, we help our members to manage and improve housing for their tenants.
Our organisation was founded in 1952 and we are a cooperative association that is owned by our members, the companies of Public Housing Sweden. As a public entity, we are subject to the principle of public access to official documents. Our overarching purpose is to further the financial interests of our member companies. The fact that we had a turnover of SEK 3.8 billion in 2024 is evidence of our success.
HBV are specialists
We are purchasing specialists for property-related goods and services. In addition to national framework agreements we provide tailor-made procurements and procurement advice, as well as associated services such as tripartite contracts and coordination assignments.
Power through cooperation
It can be difficult to have any influence as an individual member, but together we can place demands on the market and thereby develop and improve the quality of future goods and services. We strive to create regular dialogue between our members and suppliers, which is achieved partly through our regional managers who visit members frequently.
We maintain continuous contact with our members, suppliers and stakeholders to understand their forthcoming needs so that we can supply everything required for properties today and in the future. When shortcomings are detected or needs arise, the size of our agreements means we have the power to make change happen. This gives smaller members the same service and strength as large members.
A hub for competence
Through different meetings and conferences we have also become a popular meeting place for knowledge exchange between our members and suppliers. Another important role we have is to enable our members and suppliers to contribute to and influence the development of goods and services for housing of the future.
Vast experience
We have been in operation for 70 years and always worked for our members. We have vast experience of drawing up framework agreements and tailor-made contract procurements on a consulting basis. And everything we do is done for our members.
Our vision
Our vision is “Public Housing Sweden’s purchasing function conducts long-term, sustainable business.”
Through strict supplier requirements regarding sustainability, our ambition is to provide our members with better contracts. We are a major player that has the opportunity and responsibility to push progress in the right direction, which we do by constantly fine-tuning our requirements.
We want to deliver the greatest value possible to our members and in this regard meet their needs and wishes related to sustainability, while also being sensitive to what our suppliers can actually provide both now and going forward. We follow up our agreements systematically to ensure that our members receive what has been agreed. We comply with the Agenda 2030 global development goals and work continuously to reduce our climate impact, and we aim to create the best possible conditions for our members, customers and other partners to conduct long-term, sustainable business.
Access the entire Public Housing Sweden organisation as a supplier to HBV
As a supplier to HBV, you have access to the wide Public Housing Sweden organisation giving you a solid platform from which to work. You gain access to publicly-owned housing companies that collectively manage some 900,000 apartments across the length and breadth of Sweden, from Kiruna in the north to Ystad in the south. Through our dynamic purchasing system (Sw: dynamiskt inköpssystem, DIS) suppliers can also qualify free-of-charge as providers for the entire duration of our contracts.
Become a supplier
Is your company interested in supplying property-related goods and services to our members and customers? Start now by going to Opic, and sign up to receive procurements from HBV, which means you’ll be notified when we publish anything new. As a supplier it is also good for you to monitor and remain up-to-date with current procurements within your company’s specific business area.
Submitting a tender
We only accept tenders via the Mercell TendSign procurement database. When submitting a tender, it is important to remember the following:
Always read procurement documentation thoroughly.
Start early, calculating tenders is often time-consuming and takes longer than you expect.
Always send questions via Mercell TendSign in plenty of time before the deadline for Questions and Answers. We do not reply to any questions related to the procurement by either phone or email; everything goes via Mercell TendSign.
Always ensure that all appendices requested in the procurement documentation are submitted. Your tender may be disqualified if any appendices are missing.
Do not submit more documents/information than requested. This may risk disqualifying your tender if you happen to disclose information that contradicts one of the requirements.
Provide your most favourable terms and conditions already in the tender. You are rarely able to negotiate the prices or terms of our procurements retrospectively, unless this is specifically stated in the procurement documentation.
Check through your tender a couple of times before you submit it.
Always submit your tender on time, any tender submitted after the deadline must be disqualified.
Benefits of being a supplier to HBV
- Access to all members including some 900 000 apartments.
- Everything procured and complete according to the Public Procurement Act (Sw: Lagen om offentlig upphandling, LOU).
- Help with information regarding contracts.
- A seal of quality and door-opener.
- A channel to all members.
- HBV plays an important role for our members and suppliers.
HBV has approximately 40 agreement areas and almost 200 contracts with different suppliers. Our contracts have an annual turnover of SEK 3.8 billion.